I'd written my birth plan over and over. I'd spent the entire pregnancy not taking a single Tylenol, forcing my prenatal down no matter how often it made me vomit. Never allowing anyone to smoke near me, and doing everything I thought was healthiest for the little one inside of me.
Having this little baby was my homework, my project and her birth would be my final exam. I took it as serious as any other student would their S.A.Ts. I'd only had the one ultra sound in the beginning of my pregnancy because I worried about the effects of the sonogram and didn't want anything unneeded.
In my last month I began Lamaze at the hospital. Once a week I'd ride the elevator to the maternity ward and sit one on one with my instructor. She explained to me the birth process. Most of which I'd learned from books and talking to other moms. Then we'd practice breathing. They didn't put me in a class with the other moms. Maybe they thought I would be uncomfortable or maybe they thought the other moms would be unkind to me. I don't know the reasons. I just knew I was there in the room formulating a plan.
I decided to write the birth plan on my own. It wasn't the instructors idea, in fact she looked at me like I'd lost my marbles when I proposed it. I'd read about the idea and liked it.
I brought it to my doctor. She scanned it and nodded. I don't think I was taken any too serious, but maybe I should have been. Maybe if she explained to me more about what I was headed for, we could have tweaked it a bit. All I knew for certain was that I wanted no drugs, I wanted natural..no matter what. No drugs for me or my baby, no c-section and I wanted to breast feed.
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