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Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Baby Book was my Bible

I would like to take a moment and touch on one of the many building blocks that laid the foundation for me to become the kind of mother I am. Especially for the type of mothering methods I chose to use with my children as infants. Did you know there are actual labels for child rearing? The label my parenting style falls into is called Attachment parenting.

As I made mention before, I read a lot of books during my pregnancy at fifteen regarding pregnancy from the local library but two books given to me by another young mother were the most powerful and resonated the most truth for me. These two books were written my Dr. Sears. One was called The Birth Book and the other was called The Baby book. Dr. Sears and his wife, a registered nurse, co-wrote these books and are the parents of eight children. Their parenting practices wowed me. I threw away my outdated books and latched on to these like the Holy Bible itself. Literally these two books were my Go-to guides. I can testify that everything they said worked well for me and my children. The practices they preach really do create a life long bond between parent and child, they truly have helped me raise healthy children who are rarely if ever sick. My kids next to never go in the doctor for an illness. There have been many years where the only time they've seen a doctor was for a well child visit.
To my knowledge the Sears' have over 30 books out there. If you are a mom or dad.. or expecting a baby, adopting baby..young parent or old parent, childcare provider or grandparent...READ as many books by Dr. Sears as you can! I cannot brag on these books enough!

 More information about the Searses can be found at  and

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