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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Let me interrupt my chronicles a moment here..

Let me interrupt my chronicles a moment here..
I want to take a minute to get political without going  much into depth and throwing myself off my own path. Or boring and offending people BUT
I'd like to wrap my head around the Republicans, the tea-party, and certain GOP ideas but I just can't understand.

Because this is a blog about teenagers and teen parents, I am going to base my rant as best I can in the way in effects and pertains to people in this populace.

First of all, based on what I suppose is religious motivations.. birth-control has become a public enemy with the above mentioned parties. Birth control? (why not child hunger? domestic violence? child molesters?) and Planned Parenthood has become a major target of their political agenda.

In Wisconsin, the GOP is trying to pass into law that single parenthood is a form of child abuse!!!

I am alone in my out-rage??
Am I wrong that none of these politicians belong on the show 18 or (is it 19 now..) kids and counting? Are they saying that they don't have sex? Or that they don't use birth control and are immune to pregnancy? I am guess I am greatly confused here, which is why I am asking.

Do some and did some of them not have teenagers? Do they believe their teenagers were not sexually active? Because we all saw how well that worked out for Sarah Palin's family. The average teenager is not going to turn to his or her parent when they are in need of birth control. They aren't going to go to their family doctor who they know has a relationship with their parents. They are going to go to Planned Parenthood. If they don't have these places to turn to, they are going to get pregnant at a minimum, they might also get bigger things than a baby like herpes or HIV with out easy access to free condoms. If you've never been to Planned Parenthood, most offices keep a basket of condoms in the waiting room or at the counter that you can take for free without being asked any questions. This is a blessing for those who other wise might be too shy.

The average teenager is not going to feel comfortable going to a sales counter and asking for condoms. Its like pulling teeth to get them to buy their own tampons. The embarrassment factor is still to great. There is a lack of immaturity because they are still developing in both mind and body. Which is why a pregnancy is not always the best thing.  We rank number one in the world in the number of teen pregnancies as it is. That's a fact. Its also a fact that many teenagers who become parents fail to meet the needs of that child through little fault of their own but because services that once safety netted them have already been taken off the table by those lovely budget cuts we all faced during the Bush administration.

I cannot think of a single sexually active teen or a teen contemplating becoming sexually active that is going to stop having or decide not to have sex because they shut down Planned Parenthood or stop making condoms available in schools. What we are going to end up with is a major health crisis in our future generations.

They are doing this to females with the thinking that what?? They are going to charge unwed mother's with child abuse and put their children into an already failing foster care system? I can only imagine the pending mental health crisis that would arise from both parent and child as a result.

I can understand the thought process that people who are mature enough for sexual relationships should be able to afford their own birth control, and why force the state or country to pay. Planned parenthood is currently federally funded and I for one, don't mind a single dollar of my tax money playing for the services they provide. I also think that people who make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year shouldn't fly first class on the tax payer's dollar. We all don't get what we want. If you don't fly first class their are no ramifications, if you pull birth control out of reach from us, this will not only impact our population, but our economy and our physical and mental health as a nation.

What are your views on birth control being easily accessible to teenagers? or to people as a whole? Are your views personal or religious? What/ if any impact do you think not having birth control easily available to the poorest classes of people would have on our nation?

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